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Recent press releases

Retired GP Faces Imprisonment for Allegedly Obstructing Train to Tree-burning Power Station Drax

Summary: Trial 11-13th July, demo outside 10am each day at Leeds Crown Court, 1 Oxford Row, LS1 3BG Contact:

Campaigners facing prison for standing up to tree burning giant Drax

2 people have been charged in the last week for obstructing the Drax train in November and December last year; One person is charged with offences that have a maximum sentence of life in prison; The first court appearance is today, at 10am. There will be a demonstration outside York Magistrates' Court from 9:45am.

Young activist scales government department and covers in orange paint calling for an end to tree burning subsidies

Axe Drax member doused the Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) in bright orange paint. The group is calling for an end to BEIS giving renewable subsidies to Drax Group on the day of their AGM. Protests planned around the country to tell the UK Government to Stop Burning Trees


An activist from the Axe Drax coalition has just halted a wood pellet train going to Drax Power Station outside Selby. Dressed in bright orange hi vis and carrying a Extinction Rebellion flag the activist has climbed on top of the train to send a clear message to COP26: stop the fell. Banners emblazoned with the words ‘Forests Are Not Fuel’ and ‘Moratorium on Tree Felling’ line the tracks. The activists have created a visually striking and physically disruptive demonstration against the ecocidal use of biofuels.

Drax Expand Logging into Canadian Woodland for £436m deal

On 31st March, Drax shareholders will vote on acquiring the wood pellet production company Pinnacle Pellets. This will mean ancient forests burned in UK power station.

End the Train of Destruction

Climate campaigners will take part in peaceful and creative actions along the Liverpool-Selby train line to denounce the UKs biggest carbon emitter, Drax Power Station