Drax Blockade Defendant Support: Crown Court Trial

Monday 21 August

Leeds Crown Court, 1 Oxford Row, Leeds, GB, LS1 3BG

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After halting and occupying a Drax train full of trees to be burned for electricity, the actionist is facing serious charges with possible prison time.

Drax are not only the single biggest carbon emitter in the UK, but their practice of burning forests from across the globe have been time and time again been described by the communities affected as "environmental racism". Drax set up tree processing plants in communities that are poor and disproportionately BIPOC and are forcing people to be trapped in their own homes because of dangerous levels of pollution and are causing devastating and widespread sickness.

She is now on trial over the course of a week from Monday 21st August. Each day we need people outside in support, to show that we will not stand silent when the British tries to imprison people for standing up against injustice. The trial runs from 9:30am to 16:30pm each day, but you don't have to be there the whole time. Just turning up for a few hours means a lot, and is vital support

Can you give a few hours during the trial to turn out in support? Or can you spread the word from afar? Please sign up on this form if you can.

Who are Axe Drax?

We are a network of groups and individuals that take action with 3 key demands of the government:


Governments and corporations be honest: biomass causes irreparable damage to the health of people and our life support systems. Classifying burning trees as renewable is a scam and the government is making us pay for it.


Remove the ££ billions in subsidies given to Drax and other biomass power stations in the UK. This money funds death and destruction around the world, harming POC and poorer communities the most whilst corporations profit. If we stop the money, we stop the destruction.


The £ billions given to biomass should be used to fund a just transition: furlough; retrain and transfer workers in the biomass industry; invest in education, affordable housing and health; fund genuine renewable energy. We must develop a plan of moving away from profit motives, which are fuelling the climate crisis, towards community based solutions